Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pastoral Care and the Stresses of Modern Life

Life can change so rapidly. We wake up each day and never know what to expect. In the past, our parents and their generation led rather settled lives. They stayed in the same career all their lives, mothers stayed home and didn’t need to juggle family life with a professional working life. Divorce and remarriage were relatively rare and many of the life style diseases so common today were unheard of. Today, the situation is very different and it’s not unusual to find ourselves needing pastoral care to help deal with the everyday life stresses.

When a Cup of Tea with a Friend Doesn’t Help
Sometimes, all it takes to cope with the stressful period is the support of a trusted friend; a cup of tea together and a quiet chat or a gym workout may be all that is needed. Other times, when faced with a major life changing problem, professional crisis intervention may be required. At such times, we turn to counselors, or to spiritual mentors or social workers to advise and guide us to making the correct decisions and choices.
Supply Doesn’t Equal Demand
Businesses and training institutions are increasingly recognizing that productivity is reduced when their employees or students are facing stress in their lives. Many are now offering free counseling services to any person employed by them or registered for their services. Those providing professional services are finding that supply of counselors is not meeting the demand for their services and there is a shortage of trained counselors in many western countries.
Training Diversity to Meet the Shortfall
With such a diverse range of needs for support and counseling services, counselors are trained to provide a range of options to assist their clients make life decisions and cope with the stresses of life, whether they are facing a major life crisis or a chronic stress situation that may last for many years. Jobs for counselors highlight the range of support roles they may be required to provide.
Crisis Intervention is not Psychiatry
Crisis intervention and counseling is a pastoral care role that can provide support to anyone in crisis, whatever the cause. If life is becoming overwhelming , knowing there is someone who can offer support, advice, empathy and assistance maybe all that is required to face the challenge, make informed choices and move on with life.,


  1. Loss is something which cannot be replaced. Its an very difficult situation to deal with. But everyone has to go through it today or tomorrow.
    grief counseling

  2. After going through grief counseling, you actually attempt to close a certain chapter and move on. Like books, the chapter is still there but the fact remains that you've moved on and are now beginning to read and experience the next one.
