Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Firefighters Benefit from Crisis Intervention Counseling Certification

Becoming a firefighter is a tradition in my family. There have been four generations of firefighters in my family. Going through proper training and keeping up with specific qualifications can be almost as demanding as my job. With working long hours in a busy fire department does not always leave time for continued education through the more traditional methods. By continuing my education online has been a better fit for my busy lifestyle.

Getting my certification online in Crisis Intervention Counseling has helped me to continue my education. It was very important to me that I find a great online program, since my job, as a firefighter does not allow me to attend a traditional college. By continuing education online has enabled me to become certified in between working hectic hours at the firehouse.

The reason why I decided to enter into this type of program was to learn how to better help those that are affected by a disaster. Losing a home or loved due to a fire, car wreck or other natural disaster can have devastating effects on the survivors. By having the proper skills to help a person that is caught in this type of situation has helped made my job more rewarding. After all helping and protecting people is the main reason why I became a firefighter in the first place.

The programs that are offered by AIHCP have helped me to further continue my education as a firefighter. Not only are the programs convenient for those that work unconventional hours in their fields, they teach some of the most current applications in the health care industries. For these reasons have been highly recommending their programs to others that work in the emergency services or health care fields.

Having continued my education has helped me to better serve the public in almost every facet of my job as a firefighter. Since completing this course I am now better equipped to handle the personal aspects of my job. I feel that not only am I just a firefighter, am now a more productive member of my team during a crisis situation.

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