Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Meditation and Its Most Important Benefits

There is little that we can do so easily for our bodies, that has such important physical and mental health benefits, as meditation. You don't need to have any sort of spiritual reason for meditating, and there need be no religious connection. Meditation instructors teach students how to meditate in a fully secular way … and show them the enormous benefits that are available with a regular program. Today we go over some of the most impressive effects of meditation.
Physical Health Benefits of Meditation
There is a myriad of physical benefits associated with meditation … who'd have thought that sitting and doing nothing (as long as you do so with the right mental technique), could be so powerful! These include:
  • Slowing of heart rate: When you meditate, your heart rate drops, putting less pressure on your arteries. There is a usually a knock-on effect for at least several hours after an effective meditation session.
  • Normalization of blood pressure: This is another great favour for your heart and blood vessels. Having a lower blood pressure puts you at decreased risk of all sorts of cardiovascular problems.
  • Use oxygen more efficiently: Having plenty of oxygen available throughout the cells of your body means that free radicals can effectively be scavenged from all the corners of your body, before they do too much damage to your DNA and encourage the development of cancer and other conditions.
  • Reduces production of cortisol: Cortisol is involved in many basic, everyday bodily functions, as well as the more famous fight-or-flight response. When there is an imbalance of cortisol on either direction, bodily functions like glucose metabolism, blood pressure, immune function, the inflammatory response are all affected.
  • Increase in creative thinking: Several smaller studies have shown that there is a correlation between lowered stress and increased creativity. Which makes sense, after all … you'd hardly be well-served to be thinking about the beautiful cave painting you were going to do, while about to be eaten by a sabre-tooth tiger!
  • Easier to give up damaging habits: Many damaging habits, such as drinking, taking illegal drugs, overeating or smoking cigarettes are associated with high levels of stress. Lower the stress with meditation, and you reduce the incentive to turn to those habits.
Meditation is one of the drug-free wonder cures of the modern age, as long as people do it effectively. On top of it all, it can be a great help for people trying to work through all kinds of grief. Meditation instructors can help people get some amazing results, and improve their entire mental outlook as well as their general health.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Career Overview: Social Worker

Social workers are an integral part of our society -- as our cities get larger, and life changes ever more rapidly, there will always be people that struggle to cope. Social workers are a link to government services, as well as a monitor on the health and well-being of people and families at risk. Their difficulties may be psychological, health-related, social or financial. They may need grief counseling. Social workers are in constant demand around the world, and although the work can be emotionally draining, it is also very rewarding.

Education requirements for social workers
Requirements vary around the world, but in the US, a social worker usually holds a master's degree in social work (MSW). They are usually required to have a license to practice, and the prerequisites for obtaining a license vary from state to state.
Day to day social work
Social workers may be involved in any of several areas, sometimes simultaneously:
  • Direct care, which might include home visits with identified at-risk individuals or staffing an outreach center. It can include legal nurse consulting, too.
  • Human services management, which includes a more managerial view of the delivery of social work services. These workers might be involved in developing programs, monitoring outcomes, and creating community initiatives
  • Research. Social workers need to be aware of what is currently happening in society to be able to effectively respond, so research is an ongoing activity. It is also a necessity, rather than a luxury, as it can be in some professions.
Drug recommendations
In the US, social workers are often involved in recommending psychopharmaceutical drugs to their clients, though they do not prescribe them. This means that a medical background is advantageous for social work that involves a high level of contact with psychologically affected individuals.
Social work is demanding, but rewarding … it gives back as much as it takes out, and it is a great career option for many people currently in health services.